Orthognathic Surgery is a branch of maxillofacial and oral surgery as well as a section of aesthetic and plastic surgery of the face. The maxillofacial Surgeon intervenes in the visceral skull with the aim of eliminating disproportions, or skeletal asymmetries in the jaws in cases of adult patients seeking orthodontic treatment.

Orthognathic surgery is applied to adults with significant skeletal problems who turn to an orthodontist to correct their incorrect occlusion. In these patients, Orthodontics itself cannot provide a solution, because the skeletal development of the jaws is complete and the orthodontist can no longer exert orthodontic forces on the jaw bones.

The restoration of facial disproportions and deformities that have a skeletal cause is carried out by moving the jaws into the correct position. The indications that show the need for corrective surgery of the upper and lower jaw are facial asymmetry, open bite (open-bite), difficulty speaking and chewing, protruding chin (prognathism) or atrophic chin (retrognathism) etc.

The achievement of the best possible result is carried out in conjunction with the application of the appropriate orthodontic methods because in most of these cases disproportions/deformities coexist with dental convergence disorders. An important condition for effective Orthognathic Surgery is the necessary good cooperation of the Orthodontist before and after the surgery.

The Orthodontist and the maxillofacial surgeon, after a full clinical-laboratory check (panoramic cephalometric x-rays, use of casts, 3D tomography, etc.) determine the type of skeletal deformity and then jointly plan the corresponding treatment plan. With the help of computers, the pre-operative study is carried out while the surgical planning is now done in three dimensions.

The Orthognathic Surgical procedure includes:

  • The stage of pre operative orthodontic treatment, which aims to arrange the teeth to ensure good dental occlusion.
  • The jaw surgery during which the osteotomy is carried out, i.e. causing a “fracture” in the jaws, so as to enable their free movement. These procedures take place in the operating theatre with general anaesthesia of the patient, while the duration of hospitalization is approximately 2-3 days. In addition, the use of new materials and the progress of osteosynthesis techniques ensure a stable and predictable result, which improves the quality of life of patients so that transmaxillary immobilisation is not required as was done in the past.
  • The post operative orthodontic treatment, which through small corrections in the position of the teeth, ensures the best possible dental closure which guarantees the reduction of recurrences and the maintenance of the result.

Therefore, through Orthognathic Surgery, an improvement in the appearance of the patients is achieved, while the results of each operation can have an overall positive effect on many aspects of their lives, giving them a beautiful, harmonious smile, self-confidence and, above all, health!

At Great Smile orthodontic clinic, the orthodontist is able to solve any orthodontic problem you may have, according to the special needs and demands of every patient!